September 2021 to April 2022

Research Staff for Singapore Polytechnic and Singapore Indoor Farms

I was a hardware and AI specialist in a team developing automated IOT farming racks for industrial purposes at Singapore Indoor Farms. I managed to develop the electrical wiring and physical designs as well as a leaf detection AI leveraging the faster AI capabilities of FPGAS, mainly using the ZYBO Z7 and the Ultra96. The end result was a smart farming rack with Firebase logging, remote control, camera monitoring as well as automated timer-based light control.

I also started development on a modular and scalable proof of concept system. This is done by using a main server to run a customised version of Homeassistant on a Raspberry Pi controlling multiple individual nodes of ESP32 farming racks allowing for low-cost implementation.

Singapore Polytechnic Engineering Show 2022.

May 2020

Virtually Maker Faire 2020

I have been a pretty longtime fan of the MAKE: organisation and its yearly Maker Faire in various countries. There used to be a yearly one here in Singapore called the Mini Maker Faire that I have visited religously every year up till it was cancelled during the COVID-19 period. I was pretty disapointed and thats when I saw this event going on and decided to push a submission!

I was pretty obsessed with electric last-mile vehicles at the time (E-skateboards, PMDS, Onewheel etc.) so i decided to make my own! This is like the 4th or 5th iteration of various boards I made. The main goals was portability henceforth, a pennyboard form factor was decided. You can read a further writeup here

Anyways, my submission was accepted and even got showcased in their 75th volume of MAKE:Magazine! Do check it out here: Virtually Maker Faire 2020 Electric Pennyboard.